Episode #71: Insights and Strategies for Creating and Sustaining Healthy Relationships and Work Cultures with Ramona Cheek and Faith Roberts

Episode #71: Insights and Strategies for Creating and Sustaining Healthy Relationships and Work Cultures with Ramona Cheek and Faith Roberts

Introduction to the Episode: 

In this episode we interview our dear colleagues Ramona Cheek and Faith Roberts.  Ramona is a Chief Nursing Officer and Faith is a well-regarded speaker and storyteller and is an Executive Director of Spiritual Care.  These two met by chance at a picnic (you’ll have to listen to get the whole story).  This chance meeting was the beginning of an amazing personal and professional relationship that has lasted the test of time. 

At the start of the interview Faith and Ramona share how they have kept their relationship strong.  They note that authenticity, intention, having mothers as strong role models of female relationships, and meaningful communication supports their healthy relationship.  Sharing a history and reminiscing about their many shared stories is a big factor in the strength of their relationship as well. 

Faith says, “Healthy relationships are about influence.”  

Ramona points out their shared purpose and passion has always been their common love for the nursing profession and the people they serve.  They have an aligned vision for patient care and a passion for the importance of knowing, telling, and hearing the patient story.   

Ramona and Faith discuss balance, which is harmony in relationship between self and other, and a key principle of healthy relationships. They share the importance of being intentional, having awareness and faith in your own strengths, being open to what others bring to you as a leader, being self-aware, and being vulnerable.   

In the interview we also talk about ways that Ramona and Faith have cultivated healthy relationships across their organizations and how it impacts the culture.  One of the core components they each leverage is the power of diversity and differences across people.  

One of the ways Faith believes we can support healthy relationships in healthcare organizations is to look out for the “left out” whether those are whole departments or specific leaders.   

We also talked about the importance of investing in and supporting healthy relationships when attempting to create healthy work environments and foster professional well-being in the face of the rise in burnout among clinicians. Faith noted, the bottom line is people are not getting what they need from work and they are struggling and don’t feel good.  We discussed what leader can do to address these challenges.   

Ramona shares the COVID-19 pandemic has left individuals bone tired (spiritually, physically,  and emotionally) and we are in an ultramarathon that we were not conditioned for.   “To get through it together we need to show each other some grace and know we are not seeing each other at our best self”, says Ramona. 

Faith shared the COVID-19 pandemic has also shined a spotlight on departments or individuals who weren’t in the spotlight previously but are now and are also playing an instrumental role in the fight against COVID-19.  Another positive outcome is people in general understand a little more about what healthcare does for them. 

At the close of the interview Ramona and Faith reflect on the things that give them the greatest hope during these challenging times. 

We could tell you this is an entertaining and inspiring interview, but that will become readily apparent when you listen!  

During this episode we discuss:

·         Circle of influence

·         Authentic relationships

·         Drawing a circle bigger than the area you are in

·         Relationships take time

·         Self-awareness

·         Trust accounts

·         Showing each other some grace

·         Impact of COVID-19 on work environments and relationships

·         System-awareness

·         Positive outcomes from the COVID-19 experience

·         Vulnerability

·         2020 as the best and worst of times


Related Episodes:  Episode 50:  Healthy Relationships:  An Essential Component of Leadership Success and a Joyful Life but How Do You Develop Them?

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Tracy Christopherson