Episode 176: Seven Reasons to Claim and Share Power for Healthcare Leaders

Episode 176: Seven Reasons to Claim and Share Power for Healthcare Leaders

In this episode, we talk about the seven reasons to Claim and Share Power and why it's essential for healthcare leaders.

We know most emerging and evolving leaders have been in a time of uncertainty, and they don't know what the "new normal" is as everything seems to be in a constant state of change.

As a result, they go with the flow, waiting for someone to provide direction because they don't feel worthy of their power or feel that exerting their personal power is a career-ending move.

The thing is, no one can give you power because it doesn't come from an external source, and even if there is a power associated with your role or position, it will dissipate over time if you don't claim your own power.

In this podcast, we talk about why it's important to leverage the Claiming and Sharing Power polarity and some of the negative consequences of not leveraging the tools to claim and share power.

We also talk about how your personal and shared power can show up and some of the positive outcomes of leveraging this tension.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

07:56 - Some of the positive outcomes of Claiming your Power

09:04 - The positive outcomes of Sharing your Power

11:50 - About the consequences of not leveraging the tools to Claim and Share Power

13:32 - How your Personal and Shared Power can show up

17:19 - Some of our ways to leverage Personal and Shared Power at MissingLogic®

20:04 - The seven reasons to Claim and Share Power

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