Episode 157: Healthcare Leaders: Should You Lead or Should You Manage Now?

Episode 157: Healthcare Leaders: Should You Lead or Should You Manage Now?

In this episode, we talk about Leading and Managing and some of the myths about this polarity.

We know there are a few misperceptions about Leading and Managing.  That it is one “versus” the other. The thing is, they are not EITHER/OR, and they are not “one and the same.”

In fact, Leading and Managing are interdependent values. They are BOTH/AND, so are equally important in any organization and represent a significant polarity that must be leveraged.

In this podcast, we talk about the positive attributes of Leading and Managing and different circumstances if you over-focus on one to the neglect of the other. We also talk about the different related polarities that contribute to Leading and Managing.

In this episode, you’ll hear: 

08:39 - About leaders’ biggest challenges 

08:55 - About Abraham Zaleznik's question in a Harvard Business Review “Manager and Leaders: Are They Different?”

09:54 - About an  American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education article focusing on Leading and Managing 

11:06 - The truth about Leading and Managing 

11:52 - The positive attributes of Leading

13:18 - The positive attributes of Managing

17:59 - Different related polarities that contribute to Leading and Managing 

21:18 - Reflection questions about Leading and Managing

24:54 - Different circumstances if you over-focus on one to the neglect of the other

We could tell you this episode will give you a new perspective on Leading and Managing, but we won't, we'll let you discover that for yourself. Don’t wait, listen here now, or go here to watch on the MissingLogic LLC YouTube channel.

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