Episode 159: Six Mental Habits of a TRU Healthcare Leader

Episode 159: Six Mental Habits of a TRU Healthcare Leader

In this episode, we talk about the Six Mental Habits of a Thriving, Resilient, and Unstoppable (TRU) healthcare leader and the different underlying polarities.

We know mental habits are equally important as physical habits. In fact, without positive mental habits, you’ll end up overthinking each challenge, focusing on things that deplete your energy, and getting the same results over and over again.

Therefore, establishing a positive mental habit is essential to supporting your transformation into becoming a Thriving, Resilient, and Unstoppable (TRU) healthcare leader.

In this podcast, we talk about why mental habits are equally important as physical habits for healthcare leaders and some of the consequences of not paying attention to your mental habits.

We also discuss why creating a mental habit is an internal state and some reflection questions about your current mental habits.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

03:23 - About the definition of habit from the American Journal of Psychology

08:37 - Why creating a mental habit is an internal state

11:05 - Reflection question about your mental habits

12:01 - The six mental habits for TRU healthcare leaders

20:28 - The importance of creating a strategy for implementing a habit

22:00 - Some consequences of not paying attention to your mental habits

You may or may not realize this episode is jam-packed with priceless information about developing a positive mental habit. Start listening here now or go here to watch on the MissingLogic LLC YouTube channel.

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