Episode 185: Three New Leadership Norms in Healthcare

Episode 185: Three New Leadership Norms in Healthcare

In this episode, we talk about the three new leadership norms to become a Thriving, Resilient, and Unstoppable (TRU) healthcare leader. 

We know that norms can be good things and helpful in our lives, but some norms may also unintentionally cause pain and suffering. In fact, these unhealthy leadership norms have been experienced by healthcare leaders for many years.

That’s why we are on a mission to bust through these unhealthy norms and help healthcare leaders embrace new norms that promote health, well-being, and dynamic balance in their lives.

In this podcast, we talk about the importance of being aware and mindful of those unhealthy norms and some of the negative sequences of following the old leadership norms.

We also talk about the importance of defining your ‘why’ for your boundaries and some of the positive outcomes if you establish the three new norms in your life.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

04:18 - About what the new norms are for leaders

05:59 - The importance of being aware and mindful of unhealthy norms 

12:01 - Why prioritizing self-care is essential 

15:06 - About the importance of setting and communicating boundaries 

19:00 - The importance of clearly defining boundaries and your ‘why’ for your boundaries 

19:47 - Why planning is essential to maintain your boundaries 

20:28 - How you can create a dynamic balance between your personal and professional life

23:17 - The negative consequences of following the old leadership norms 

24:18 - Some of the positive outcomes if you establish the three new leadership norms in your life

We could tell you this episode will give you a new perspective on how you can embrace the three new leadership norms, but we won't, we'll let you discover that for yourself. Start listening here now, or go here to watch on the MissingLogic LLC YouTube channel.

Previous Related Episode: 

Episode #149: Setting Boundaries: Becoming a Thriving, Resilient, and Unstoppable Leader with Terri Cole

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Registration is open to our  Virtual Leadership Survival  Bootcamp, February 06 - 09, 2023

The Virtual Leadership Survival  Bootcamp is a virtual Bootcamp designed for healthcare leaders like you to learn about and apply a proven strategy that will get you through the next six months or more. Learn to create balance between your professional and personal life, make a difference at work, and experience more joy, without feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

Click here to register NOW!

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