Episode #66: Discovering Your Personal Strength and Resilience to Face Life Challenges featuring Ellen Reed

Episode #66:   Discovering Your Personal Strength and Resilience to Face Life Challenges featuring Ellen Reed 

Introduction to the Episode: 

In this episode we interview Ellen Reed.  Ellen is a Gestalt Therapist and Nurse Psychotherapist and she’s the author of Someone to Watch Over You:  Finding Your Strength Within.  

The book is for people interested in overcoming challenges by finding the strength and resilience that lies within them. 

Ellen shares she was inspired by the patient experiences she had early in her career and by the encouragement she received from staff, peers, and other leaders.  When she was diagnosed with metastatic ovarian cancer a few years ago, she recognized it as a crisis and realized it was important to express her thoughts and feelings before it was too late.   

In her book, Ellen encourages readers to find or redefine themselves and learn what their engaging qualities are and who they want to surround themselves with.   

In the interview we talk about how Dr. Barry Johnson developed the Polarity Map™ following a Gestalt Therapy session with a client.  Ellen conveys her experience with using Polarity Thinking™ and her perspective regarding the freedom that comes with accepting polarities as an essential part of life.  Ellen believes Polarity Thinking™ crystalizes where you are placing your energy. 

During our interview with Ellen we explore the challenges that people have faced because of the COVID-19 pandemic and how individuals can practice resilience during this time.  

Ellen shares her experience with being resilient as a cancer survivor.  We talk about thoughts, feelings, and actions and the relationships between them, as well as the power of staying in the present moment. 

We discuss the power of communication and the role and importance of awareness, and how communication impacts and influences relationships.  We all have choices, and it starts with deciding who you want to be. 

We close the interview with Ellen reading the be your OWN Best Friend mantra she has included in the book.  We can tell you how wonderful the mantra is, but you’ll have to listen to hear it for yourself!

During this episode we discuss:

·         Gestalt Therapy

·         Honoring the past and owning the present

·         Letting go of things that burden us

·         How fears or feelings are passed on through generations

·         Soul friends

·         Resilience is a learned concept

·         Making use of the time we have been given during the pandemic

·         Successful relationships require work

·         Thoughtful risks

·         Being your own best friend


Find Ellen Reed at:



Someone to Watch Over You: Finding Your Strength Within

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If you are looking for a guidebook to help you ride out the storms and face the challenges life brings your way, this book is for you! 

Tracy Christopherson