Episode #67: A New Appreciation for Joy, What it Feels Like and What it Can Be with Dr. Richard Ricciardi

Episode #67:  A New Appreciation for Joy, What it Feels Like and What it Can Be with Dr. Richard Ricciardi

Introduction to the Episode: 

In this episode we interview Dr. Richard (Ric) Ricciardi.  Ric is currently the 33rd President of Sigma, the  international honor society of nursing.  Dr. Ricciardi has declared his intention to “infuse joy” into healthcare and nursing during his time as the President of Sigma. 

At the start of the interview Ric reminds us that it is important to think about joy and gratitude every day.   

In the interview Ric also conveys his thoughts and reflections on how people today tend to  focus on what they don’t have, rather than what they do have, and miss the joy that is right in front of them. 

Ric points out that his presidency hasn’t been what he anticipated.  But he’s learned in times of the most interesting adversities great things can happen.  The things he planned for as a new President of Sigma didn’t happen, but other positive things have happened.  As an example, the international community  of health professionals and nurses have connected over the unifying theme of COVID-19. 

During our interview with Ric we explore how the combination of the pandemic, systemic racism, and the international economic crisis has been stressful and demoralizing for some, and can cause you to pause and evaluate who you are, what you do, and the culture and world you live in.    

Another point Ric makes is that what we are experiencing is an international phenomenon and leaders must be aware of what’s happening and have empathy for others as well as themselves during this time. 

When it comes to taking care of yourself and prioritizing your own needs what Ric has learned is, “if you don’t care enough about yourself to put yourself at least at equal par with everyone else then you’re not going to have joy.” 

We discuss what stimulated Ric to set his intention to infuse joy in nursing and healthcare and how joy is critical for the delivery of good care. 

Ric notes, not every day is going to be a good day, so it’s important to consider what is it that builds resiliency to help you get through the bad days. 

Working and leading collaboratively is a key ingredient for joy in the workplace.  

As advocates for interprofessional collaboration we recognize quality care delivery can’t be provided by one profession.  Toward the end of the interview we discuss interprofessional collaboration and Ric shares his thoughts that “the whole must be better than the sum the parts.  While we have a lot of great sum of the parts, and we have a lot of parts in that sum,  but we often don’t have a great whole.”   

“We are doomed, if we can’t work together, because care is a team sport” says Dr. Ric Ricciardi. 

This is a joy filled and inspiring interview, but you’ll find that out when you listen!   


During this episode we discuss:

·         Metaphysical joy

·         The joy experienced from #we are in this together

·         Balance of planning and being flexible

·         Sigma’s series of helpful webinars and podcasts on COVID-19

·         How challenging living in the world is right now is for health professionals and nurses

·         Nursing as “the” best profession

·         Two types of joy

·         Alignment of the healthcare model as a business with the core values

·         Archetype of the nursing profession as joyful engaging people

·         The ABCs of infusing joy

·         The ABCs of infusing joy don’t happen naturally

·         Nursing leaders must understand the economics of healthcare

·         Balance between the business of healthcare and care delivery and infusing joy

·         The interdependencies between the health professions

·         The universal flame of nursing

Find Dr. Richard (Ric) Ricciardi at:

LinkedIn- Dr. Richard (Ric) Ricciardi

email - r.ricciardi@sigmanursing.com

Twitter - @RichardRicciar3 

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Tracy Christopherson