Episode #32: Making a Difference & Enjoying Life as a Healthcare Leader:  What do you believe and what kind of choices are you making?

Making a Difference & Enjoying Life as a Healthcare Leader:  What do you believe and what kind of choices are you making?

Introduction to Episode


 “Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” – Mary Oliver 

If you are listening to our podcast, it’s more than likely that at some point in your career path you chose to serve in the healthcare field, and you may have also made the choice to be a leader.  If you did so, again it is more than likely that you made that choice because you wanted to contribute to something bigger than yourself.   

As a leader you may have felt, or you currently feel, the tension between making a difference and enjoying life.   

Sometimes you feel the tension in response to pressures/circumstances, external demands, leader/boss expectations, and sometimes it can be the fear of missing out. 

 This tension is often persistent and it’s real!  The reality is real!  The struggle is real! 

It’s real and persistent because making a difference and enjoying life is a polarity.   

If we aren’t aware this, we may choose to believe we have to make a choice between the two, in other words we think we can either make a difference or enjoy life.   

But when we recognize this tension as a polarity, we know it’s a both/and situation, we can then choose to make a difference and enjoy life!

Join us for this episode as we explore the Making a Difference and Enjoying Life Polarity and why it’s important to leverage this polarity and the unintended consequences if you don’t.


In the Episode We Discuss:

·         Stories as an influencing factor

·         Reaction vs. response

·         Intention and attention

·         Preference poles

·         Positive outcomes

·         Unintended consequences

·         Conscious choices

·         Dynamic balance

·         Supports


We also have not one, but two, resources for you!


Take a FREE Making a Difference AND Enjoying Life Polarity Assessment and see exactly how well you are managing the tension! 


After listening and taking the assessment, download the reflection worksheet to learn more and identify the actions you can take to be more dynamically balanced.



Click here to access the Making a Difference and Enjoying Life Polarity Assessment


Click here to download the reflection worksheet


Email us at questions@missinglogic.com if you have any questions about your results and/or this topic!


NEW!  We’ve been leveraging a polarity mindset to combat burnout and be balanced and resilient as healthcare leaders for over 15 years now.  If you’re looking to thrive as a leader and perform at the highest level in every meaningful aspect of your work and personal life this approach might be for you! We are launching an online transformation coaching program this spring!  It’s intentionally designed to help healthcare leaders live on purpose, prioritize competing demands, and develop balance and resilience in their work and personal lives using our Dynamic Balance Framework.  If you are interested, CLICK HERE to join our early interest list and you’ll be the first to get all the details!


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If you found value in this episode, please leave us a review on iTunes! Our mission is to start “a movement” of leaders who address the chronic challenges in healthcare through a Polarity Thinking™ lens!  We want to share the wisdom in the podcast with healthcare leaders everywhere! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and tell us what your favorite part of the podcast is.”

Tracy Christopherson