Episode #35: What’s the secret to becoming a thriving and resilient healthcare leader?

What’s the secret to becoming a thriving and resilient healthcare leader?

Introduction to the Episode 

It’s an important time to have the conversation in the healthcare environment about the reality of the healthcare leader given the national call to address clinician burnout. 

Leaders are you struggling to manage your workload, prioritize all the competing demands and find time for your family?  Do you feel responsible for helping the staff but at the same time wonder how much more you can take? 

In Episode # 35 of Healthcare’s MissingLogic podcast we talk about healthcare leaders taking care of themselves in order to support and care for their staff. 

If you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to help your staff and if you are not already, you may burnout in the long run.   

You are equally important. You matter. Sacrificing your well-being for the staff isn’t going to help them in the long run.  You will not be able to support them, if you are burnt out. 

Healthy, thriving organizations start with the individuals who work in them, both leaders and staff.  

Taking care of you first can result in you becoming resilient, having a positive sense of well-being, with more energy and enhanced productivity. Taking care of you is an opportunity to learn what it takes, to walk the talk and to role model those behaviors for your staff and your peers.  It is difficult to lead others, especially if you have not been on the journey yourself.

Begin your journey by listening to this episode and carefully consider how you can take care of you first and become a thriving, resilient leader.


Episode Summary Points

  • This is a critical polarity to combat burnout

  • What it looks like when you over focus on others to the neglect of self

  • Positive outcomes of focusing on self

  • Negative consequences of over focusing on self

  • Making conscious choices

  • Potential action steps to gain or maintain positive outcomes of both focusing on self as the leader and others as staff

  • Vigilant monitoring of current state


Teaching Points

·         Not an either/or choice

·         No silver bullet or quick fix

·         Equal importance

·         Conscious choices

·         Engaging others to help monitor


Email us at questions@missinglogic.com if you have any questions about this topic!  We may use your question in a future podcast episode.


NEW!  We’ve been leveraging a polarity mindset to combat burnout and be balanced and resilient as healthcare leaders for over 15 years now.  If you’re looking to thrive as a leader and perform at the highest level in every meaningful aspect of your work and personal life this approach might be for you! We are launching an online transformation coaching program this spring!  It’s intentionally designed to help healthcare leaders live on purpose, prioritize competing demands, and develop balance and resilience in their work and personal lives using our Dynamic Balance Framework.  If you are interested, CLICK HERE to join our early interest list and you’ll be the first to get all the details!


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If you found value in this episode, please leave us a review on iTunes! Our mission is to start “a movement” of leaders who address the chronic challenges in healthcare through a Polarity Thinking™ lens!  We want to share the wisdom in the podcast with healthcare leaders everywhere! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and tell us what your favorite part of the podcast is.”

Tracy Christopherson