Episode #36: Burnout Through the Eyes of a Dietitian Nutritionist Featuring Dr. Katie Eliot

Burnout Through the Eyes of a Dietitian Nutritionist Featuring Dr. Katie Eliot

Introduction to Episode:

We are so happy to have our friend and colleague Dr. Katie Eliot on the podcast today.  Katie is a dietitian nutritionist.

While the burnout crisis is nationwide and impacts all health professions most of the evidence reported in the literature is focused on physicians and nurses.

In this episode with Katie we discuss clinician burnout from the dietitian nutritionist perspective. 

Katie sheds some light on some of the unique causes of stress and burnout for dietitian nutritionists and for students just entering the profession.

We also discuss clinician burnout from an interprofessional perspective (which is Katie’s “jam”!)


In the Episode We Discuss:

·         What burnout looks like for dietitian nutritionists

·         How dietitian nutritionists and students are managing stress and burnout

·         Coping mechanisms

·         Interprofessional efforts to decrease burnout and stress

·         Recommendations to manage stress and burnout from an interprofessional approach

·         Stress is not a badge of courage




Stress-induced Eating Behaviors of Health Professionals: A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Perspective – a NAM Perspectives Paper

 Global Forum on Innovations in Health Professions Education titled: A Systems-Approach to Alleviating Work-Induced Stress and Improving Health, Well-Being, and Resilience of Health Professionals Within and Beyond Education.


Email us at questions@missinglogic.com if you have any questions.  We may use your question on a future episode.


We’re excited to announce our NEW Resilient and Balanced Healthcare Leader Community Facebook Group!  This is a private community for healthcare leaders who want to trade burnout for resilience and balance.  Click here to join now!


NEW!  We’ve been leveraging a polarity mindset to combat burnout and be balanced and resilient as healthcare leaders for over 15 years now.  If you’re looking to thrive as a leader and perform at the highest level in every meaningful aspect of your work and personal life this approach might be for you! We will be offering an online transformation coaching program this spring!  It’s intentionally designed to help healthcare leaders live on purpose, prioritize competing demands, and develop balance and resilience in their work and personal lives using our Dynamic Balance Framework.  If you are interested, CLICK HERE to join our early interest list and you’ll be the first to get all the details!


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If you found value in this episode, please leave us a review on iTunes! Our mission is to start “a movement” of leaders who address the chronic challenges in healthcare through a Polarity Thinking™ lens!  We want to share the wisdom in the podcast with healthcare leaders everywhere! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and tell us what your favorite part of the podcast is.”


Tracy Christopherson