Episode #39: How to Reduce Stress, Empower Your Team, and Cultivate a Healthy Work Environment in Times of Crisis

How to Reduce Stress, Empower Your Team, and Cultivate a Healthy Work Environment in Times of Crisis

Introduction to the Episode

As leaders during this global healthcare crisis, you are experiencing challenges you never dreamed you would face as a leader.   

Right now, when expectations are high, outcomes are critical, and you are being asked to take on tasks and projects you know nothing about, is the time to draw on and lead with your strengths. 

Leading with your strengths and taping into the strengths of others can reduce stress and enhance feelings of empowerment.   

Not everyone has the same strengths and that’s a good thing!  What’s most important is that we recognize and leverage our own and the strengths of others in ways that enable us to individually and collectively achieve the results we desire. 

It’s also helpful to know your personality type and behavior style along with those of your colleagues and family members.  This can give you insights into why you and they act or behave the way they do and why they may be responding to the COVID-19 crisis the way they are. 

If we understand each other more fully we can engage with each other in more healthy and productive ways and support each other during challenging and stressful times. 

We hope you’ll join us and consider how leveraging your own and other’s strengths, personalities and natural behaviors can be of benefit during these challenging times.  


During this episode we discuss:

·         Strengths Finders 2.0

·         Strengths Based Leadership

·         Four leadership domains in Strengths-Based Leadership

·         DiSC behavior assessment

·         Myer’s Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®)

·         Our own experiences and examples to share


Teaching Points

·         Be willing to look at yourself- Know thyself!

·         We are all different and that’s a gift

·         Help others know themselves


Strengths Finders 2.0 

Strengths Based Leadership:  Great Leaders, Teams, and Why People Follow  

DiSC Profile 

The Myers & Briggs Foundation


Email us at questions@missinglogic.com if you have any questions, we may use your question on a future episode.

We’ve opened a private Resilient and Balanced Healthcare Leader Community in Facebook to provide a safe space for healthcare leaders to connect, support each other and share their experiences during this time of crisis.  To join Click here.


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Tracy Christopherson