Episode #38: How an Intentional and Heart Felt Thank You Changed the Lives of More than a Million Nurses

How an Intentional and Heart Felt Thank You Changed the Lives of More than a Million Nurses

Introduction to Episode:

The World Health Organization has declared 2020 the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife.

We are thrilled to have Bonnie Barnes and Cynthia Sweeney from the DAISY Foundation on the podcast today. 

The DAISY Foundation was established following a family tragedy to say thank you for the compassionate, sensitive, kind care nurses provide. The DAISY Foundation provides a vehicle to recognize and honor nurses for extraordinary care.

The DAISY Award is a form of meaningful recognition of nursing care that focuses attention on what is good and right in healthcare and is a bright spot for nurses in a challenging and ever-changing healthcare landscape.

This is an inspiring episode that shines a light on how important intention is and how significant the impact can be when we act with intention.  We hope you’ll join us.

In the Episode We Discuss:

·       136,000 nurses have been honored so far

·         1.6 Million nurses have been nominated by family members, patients, and colleagues

·         In addition to the Unites States, 25 other countries participate

·         Nursing teams and nurse led teams are also recognized

·         DAISY is a form of meaningful recognition

·         How DAISY supports the health work environment as defined by the American Association of Critical

Care Nurses (AACN)

·         Nurses are honored across their career span- from students to lifetime achievement

·         DAISY nominations are a rich form of qualitative data and can inform healthcare organizations

·         Compassionate care has no geographic boundaries


The Daisy Foundation Website: www.daisyfoundation.org

New Book: Shining the Light on All the Right:  Celebrating the Art of Nursing Around the World

Available on Amazon

Also available at daisyfoundation.org\book 

Email us at questions@missinglogic.com if you have any questions.  We may use your question on a future episode.

We’ve opened a private Resilient and Balanced Healthcare Leader Community in Facebook to provide a safe space for healthcare leaders to connect, support each other and share their experiences during this time of crisis.  To join go to our Facebook page @MissingLogicLLC and click the blue Visit Group button at the top of the page.

NEW!  We’ve been leveraging a polarity mindset to combat burnout and be balanced and resilient as healthcare leaders for over 15 years now.  If you’re looking to thrive as a leader and perform at the highest level in every meaningful aspect of your work and personal life this approach might be for you! We will be offering an online transformation coaching program this spring!  It’s intentionally designed to help healthcare leaders live on purpose, prioritize competing demands, and develop balance and resilience in their work and personal lives using our Dynamic Balance Framework.  If you are interested, CLICK HERE to join our early interest list and you’ll be the first to get all the details!

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Tracy Christopherson