Episode #49: The COVID-19 Pandemic in New York City: A Nurse Leader's Personal and Professional Experience and Perspective with Dr. Vicky Tiase

Episode #49:  The COVID-19 Pandemic in New York City:  A Nurse Leader's Personal and Professional Experience and Perspective with Dr. Vicky Tiase

Introduction to the Episode


All eyes of the nation have been focused on New York during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

During this episode Dr. Vicky Tiase shares with us what it has been like to be a leader in one of the major NYC hospitals during the pandemic.  

Dr. Tiase shares her extreme gratitude for the support from nurses across the country who came to New York to help.   

We learn about the initial days of the pandemic and how overwhelming it felt, how hard it was to ramp up quickly and how the leadership teams worked diligently to keep staff informed and supported.  

Dr. Tiase also shares the lessons learned regarding communication and information sharing, converting an entire hospital into an ICU, and what it takes to prepare and support staff. 

As difficult as it has been there are many opportunities emerging from the pandemic and Dr. Tiase shares some opportunities she has identified within the context of the field of nursing informatics. 

Nationally leaders are voicing concern about the mental health of the frontline workers.  During the episode we discuss the importance of checking in with people, using open ended questions to invite individuals to share how they are really feeling and how “toughing it out” is only going to take someone so far. 

This is an inspiring and informative interview we know you will enjoy! 


During this episode we discuss:

·         New era of thinking about capturing data and the transfer into information to support front line


·         Transferring data from the home into the clinical environment

·         Greatest challenges and opportunities resulting from the pandemic

·         Pivoting as a community

·         The psychological downside of hero status

·         Lots of free resources, services, and apps to support staff

·         Body mind connection

·         Focusing on what is in your control and what is outside of your control

·         Acknowledging and let go of negative thoughts

·         Keep yourself as healthy as possible physically and mentally

·         Hope for future nurse leaders

Email us at questions@missinglogic.com if you have any questions, we may use your question on a future episode.

We have opened a private Resilient and Balanced Healthcare Leader Community in Facebook to provide a safe space for healthcare leaders to connect, support each other and share their experiences during this time of crisis.  To join Click here.

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Tracy Christopherson