Episode #54: Mastering Your Code: The Key to Living an Extraordinary Life featuring author Darren J. Gold

Episode #54:  Mastering Your Code:  The Key to Living an Extraordinary Life featuring author Darren J. Gold

Introduction to the Episode:

In today’s episode, we interview Darren J. Gold. Darren is the author of Master Your Code:  The Art, Wisdom, and Science of Leading an Extraordinary Life.

The book was based on a letter that Darren wrote to his son following his graduation from high school and prior to his transition to college.  The inspiration to shape the letter into a book came after receiving positive feedback from a few thousand people who read the letter because it had been forwarded to them from someone else.

Darren’s hope in publishing the book was to synthesize and crystalize the wisdom he had accumulated over the years both professionally and personally and offer it to others in a practical way.

“We can’t change what we can’t see”- Darren J. Gold

Darren explains the premise of the book is that we are all programed by subconscious safety- based rules, beliefs and values that drive our behaviors and limit our results, which is our subconscious code.  If we want to live an extraordinary life we can consciously choose to rewrite the program and master our code.

In the book, Darren explores the ten crux rules, values, and beliefs that are part of our program and have the most significant impact on our life.  One of the shifts in programing is to seek to understand rather than be right.  The challenge is we are programed to see all conflicts as a problem to be solved where there is only one right answer or solution, when many of the conflicts are polarities with two right  and interdependent answers.   

Darren described his exposure to Polarity Thinking™ as “a piece of wisdom or a wisdom tool that changed the way I saw the world, which doesn’t happen often, but when it does I know it instantly”.   From his perspective, you can’t truly master your code unless you can distinguish and internalize the difference between problems to solve and polarities that can be leveraged.

In the interview, we discuss how looking at Challenging and Celebrating your employees as a problem can lead to a false choice that you are either challenging them to get the most out of them or celebrating them and not getting the most out of them!   In the book, Darren shares more about how he leveraged Polarity Thinking™ to integrate the tension between these poles into his leadership and how it enabled him to develop a deeper understanding of his preferences and fears.

Darren wanted every page in the book to add something, and he knocked it out of the park!

If you are a healthcare leader who realizes your beliefs, values, rules, and old ways of thinking are not working anymore, this book is for you.  You won’t be disappointed!

You may or may not have already realized, Master Your Code:  The Art, Wisdom, and Science of Leading an Extraordinary Life is a gift full of insights and inspiration.    

We could tell you the same holds true for this interview, but we will let you discover that for yourself!

You can click here to listen. 

During this episode we discuss:

·         What’s behind the title Master Your Code

·         Mastery is an everyday commitment

·         The polarity of science and ancient wisdom

·         Ten essential lines of code

·         Being the author of your life

·         Beginning with awareness of your beliefs

·         Secret to living an extraordinary life no matter the circumstances

·         You can’t master your code without leveraging Polarity Thinking™

·         Tensions look like choices until you become aware the tension is a polarity

·         Leveraging tensions

·         Complexity of our environments leading to overwhelm

·         Polarity Thinking™ as a new way to manage complexity

·         There is a place for either/or thinking and for both/and thinking

·         The Japanese concept of “ikigai”

·         You can’t force purpose


Darren J. Gold on Social:

LinkedIn:  linkedin.com/in/darrengold-unlockingpotential

Twitter: Darrenjgold

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/darrenjgold 

Master Your Code:  The Art, Wisdom, and Science of Leading an Extraordinary Life.  

Go here to pick up a copy.

Email us at questions@missinglogic.com if you have any questions, we may use your question on a future episode.


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