Episode #55: How to get off the Merry-Go-Round of Competing Priorities and Numerous Change Initiatives to Achieve Lasting Outcomes

Episode #55: How to get off the Merry-Go-Round of Competing Priorities and Numerous Change Initiatives to Achieve Lasting Outcomes

Introduction to the Episode

Today’s episode is based on over 30 years of experience that we have had working with healthcare organizations across North America.

We’ve observed over the years that organizations have the same problems, concerns, culture, and practice issues. Within each organization these challenges appear to be unique to the organization but when you have a more global perspective you can see these challenges are pretty much the same in other healthcare organizations.

Healthcare leaders enter what we call the “fix-it” mode and end up caught on the merry-go-round of competing priorities and numerous change initiatives.  Before one project ends, another begins.

If you are like most of these leaders, you are juggling projects, revisiting the same issues over and over and unable to determine which of the many priorities are the priority!

You may or may not realize you lack a sense of the big picture, how each initiative impacts the other, how essential voices are missing from the process, and why the positive outcomes that are achieved are not sustained.

This is because the project or initiative driven change is not being supplemented with a systems or framework driven approach.

We hope you’ll join us for this episode to learn how healthcare leaders can implement both project/initiative and framework/system changes to achieve sustainable outcomes.

During this episode we discuss:

·         Challenges associated with a “fix it” problem-solving approach

·         How Project and Framework driven changes complement each other

·         Positive outcomes associated with Project and Framework Driven Change

·         Negative Consequences of Project and Framework Driven Change

Teaching Points

·         A framework or systems approach provides the bigger picture

·         When you have the “big” picture you can drill down into the complex issues

·         When each project is related back to the whole or the bigger picture it changes the nature of the

action steps you take

Email us at questions@missinglogic.com if you have any questions, we may use your question on a future episode.

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Tracy Christopherson