Episode #57 The Power of Leveraging Healthy Tension: A Tool for Navigating Challenging Territory When You Are Committed to Making a Difference featuring Tim Arnold

Episode #57:  The Power of Leveraging Healthy Tension:  A Tool for Navigating Challenging Territory When You Are Committed to Making a Difference featuring Tim Arnold

Introduction to the Episode:

In today’s episode, we interview Tim Arnold. Tim is the author of The Power of Healthy Tension:  Overcome Chronic Issues and Conflicting Values.

The inspiration to write a book came after moving from corporate to being the executive director of a homeless shelter.  Tim’s hope in publishing the book was to share with other providers and people in healthcare who are working in challenging territory, but are committed to making difference, that this lens of Polarity Thinking™ is not just interesting, it’s not just helpful, it’s foundational.

Tim shares in his first year as executive director of the homeless shelter he thought constantly “I don’t know what I would do had I not had this understanding these tools, this perspective”.

Tim says his exposure to Polarity Thinking™ was not by chance. He went to get a business tool and instead the training he received opened-up a brand-new chapter to living and experiencing life at a different level.   He describes the first day of training with Dr. Barry Johnson like this,  “when Barry started to talk I had this sense inside me to pay attention because this is bigger than you can imagine”. 

Tim believes so much in Polarity Thinking™ that he tells his readers at the beginning of the book, you are going to be all in on this, or you might as well close the book now.

We wonder if you recognize that people are already familiar with polarities or tensions.  Most people experience them on a daily basis, they just haven’t been given the language to describe it or the space to manage and leverage them. 

It’s easy to see that recently we’ve been living in a world where we choose sides, pick our tribes, and think either/or, is it not? It is frustrating to live in this binary world because we know it doesn’t work.  You may not know people don’t have to give up their values or perspectives, but they can expand them.  Tim’s greatest hope is that that the next generation realizes this and chooses different approaches.

You may or may not have already realized, The Power of Healthy Tension:  Overcome Chronic Issues and Conflicting Values is a gift full of insights and possibilities. 

We could tell you the same holds true for this interview, but we will let you discover that for yourself!

You can click here to listen.

During this episode we discuss:

·         Riptide as a metaphor for facing tensions

·         Look for the tensions, so you can leverage them

·         Tension is your biggest ally or asset

·         The tensions that exist across the board regardless of industry

·         How to identify crux (make it or break it) tensions

·         There is no point of perfect balance

·         Polarity Thinking provides a common language to describe tension experiences

·         Including awareness training on tensions in orientation

·         Being committed and deliberate to manage the polarities well

·         People embrace polarity concepts because they are already familiar with them

·         Being fully optimistic and realistic

·         Understanding what caring for self means right now

·         Tension as a beautiful gift

Tim Arnold on Social:

Twitter: @timarnold.com

LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-arnold1/

Website:  https://leadersforleaders.ca/

The Power of Healthy Tension:  Overcome Chronic Issues and Conflicting Values

Get a copy here.

Email us at questions@missinglogic.com if you have any questions, we may use your question on a future episode. 

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Tracy Christopherson