Episode #58 What Are the Negative Consequences Healthcare Leaders Face When Applying a Problem-Solving Lens to Strategic Planning?

Episode #58: What Are the Negative Consequences Healthcare Leaders Face When Applying a Problem-Solving Lens to Strategic Planning?

Introduction to the Episode:

“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else” – Yogi Berra

Have you ever experienced this?  You have a sense of the direction you’re headed but you aren’t clear what your destination is?

Once you do have clarity on the desired destination you begin to feel the tension between where you are now and where you want to go.

Establishing a strategic plan with a polarity lens can help you establish action steps that enable you to leverage the tension between where you want to go and where you are currently.

Using a polarity lens helps to identify any interdependent pairs of values present in the plan that you are not recognizing and avoid unintended consequences of over emphasizing some values to the neglect of others.  As an example, if you include recruitment in your strategic plan and don’t also include strategies for retention, you will experience unintended consequences over time.  

Using a polarity lens and assessment process supports vigilant monitoring of outcomes over time.  Together these approaches keep organizations moving in a positive or virtuous cycle toward their greater purpose and enables timely course correction as needed.

Listen to this episode to learn how applying a polarity lens to the strategic planning process can give you a more comprehensive approach and support you in achieving sustainable results.

During this episode we discuss:

·         Strategic planning components

·         Strategic planning challenges

·         Common polarities found within most healthcare organization strategic plans

·         Key question to ask to determine whether your strategic plan includes interdependent pairs of values

·         Key considerations when including goals related to clinician well-being in a strategic plan

·         Positive outcomes associated with using a polarity lens to do strategic planning

·         Negative consequences of a strategic plan with one or more unipolar goals

Teaching Points:

·         Polarities are everywhere and they are in every strategic plan (whether you know it or not!).

·         Strategic planning through a polarity lens is proactive and provides guidance to goals and action

steps that move into a virtuous cycle leading to sustainable positive outcomes.

·         The problem of clinician burnout is associated with key crux polarities that can be leveraged in a

strategic plan.

·         Using a polarity lens for strategic planning brings a predictability and built in assessment of progress

with an action plan for course correction

Email us at questions@missinglogic.com if you have any questions, we may use your question on a future episode.


If you are interested in learning more about our Healthy Healing Organization Framework or using a Polarity Assessment™ in your strategic planning process, go to tracychristopherson1@youcanbook.me to schedule a call with us or go to the contact us page here on our website.   We’d love to learn your story and see if we can be of service.

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