Episode #80: Supporting Mindful Choices, Polarity Intelligence™ and Personal Alignment with the Dynamic Balance Effect™ Framework

Episode #80 Supporting Mindful Choices, Polarity Intelligence™ and Personal Alignment with the Dynamic Balance Effect™ Framework

Introduction to the Episode:


If you are like most of the healthcare leaders we talk with, the past year was a year full of challenges and changes. It looks like based on what we have seen thus far in 2021 those challenges are going to continue for a while longer. 


Some of those challenges and changes may have bumped up against some of your values, like maintaining your well-being, supporting your team(s), and connecting with others.


You may have even experienced some moral distress having to make decisions that are not aligned with your values.


In this episode we dialogue about making choices based on values, managing interdependent values and the importance of personal alignment.


We share how our Dynamic Balance Effect™ Framework empowers healthcare leaders to make mindful choices, leverage their Polarity Intelligence™, personally align their values and purpose, and how important each of these are when it comes to resilience and balance.


You probably already realize this episode is packed with leadership super-powers!  Go ahead and listen now.



During this episode we discuss:

·         The significance of mindful choices

·         How values can anchor you in challenging times

·         Having feelings of guilt, distress, and isolation

·         Experiencing moral distress

·         When personal values don’t align with work

·         The importance of values clarification

·         Caring for yourself and caring for others

·         Revisiting your purpose

·         Writing a purpose statement

Email us at questions@missinglogic.com if you have any questions, we may use your question on a future episode.

Go Here to join the Work Life Balance Bootcamp Early Interest List and download our FREE perspective paper The 3 Biggest Mistakes Healthcare Leaders Make When Trying To Achieve Work Life Balance.

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Tracy Christopherson