Episode #81: Setting and Keeping Boundaries: The Secret to Preventing Overwhelm and Becoming a Thriving and Resilient Healthcare Leader

Episode #81: Setting and Keeping Boundaries: The Secret to Preventing Overwhelm and Becoming a Thriving and Resilient Healthcare Leader

Introduction to the Episode:


If you are like many of the overwhelmed healthcare leaders we talk with you feel stretched beyond your capabilities on a day-to-day basis.   

One of the ways you can have more energy, time and balance in your life is to establish boundaries. 

In this episode we explore why it’s important to set boundaries, how boundaries can lead to resilience and balance in your life, and how they are a form of self-care. 

Continually adding more to your plate and not taking anything off results in stress and overwhelm.  While the COVID pandemic may have taken a few things off your plate, it may also have added so much more!  During times like this it can also become increasing difficult to say “No”.  

“It’s only by saying ‘NO’ that you can concentrate on the things that are really important.”- Steve Jobs 

You are not always in control of what ends up on your plate or within your realm of responsibility as a leader.  There are somethings you can control and that’s where you can put your attention when it comes to setting boundaries and beginning to flex your “NO” muscle. 

Identifying and managing any barriers you may have is an essential element of successful boundary setting. 

Thriving and resilient healthcare leaders are committed to setting and keeping boundaries, so they can stay focused on what matters most, achieve their goals, and experience greater success. 

You may or may not already realize this, but this episode is full of information that can help you gain more energy, time, and balance in your life!  Don’t hesitate, listen now. 


During this episode we discuss:

·         The habit of saying “Yes”

·         Feelings associated with boundary setting

·         Boundary over-spill

·         Examples of boundaries for healthcare leaders

·         Why boundaries are so important

·         Personal lessons related to boundaries

·         Barriers to boundary setting

·         Negative consequences when boundaries are not set

·         Benefits of boundaries

·         Preparing for boundary conversations

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Tracy Christopherson