Episode 125: Applications of Polarity Thinking™ by Diverse Leaders with Dr. Barry Johnson

Episode 125: Applications of Polarity Thinking™ by Diverse Leaders with Dr. Barry Johnson

In this episode, we talk with Dr. Barry Johnson, about the book AND: Making a Difference by Leveraging Polarity, Paradox or Dilemma, Volume Two: Applications.

“AND” is for people who want to make a positive difference by overcoming obstacles such as resistance to change and polarization.

Barry shares, Volume 2 is a representation of the expansive application of Polarity ThinkingTM from different perspectives and experiences of people skilled in leveraging polarities.

In this book, different authors come from a variety of disciplines such as coaches, teachers, and consultants who share their personal stories and knowledge on how they applied Polarity Thinking™ in their work and communities.

We discuss the two chapters we co-authored that include a variety of examples of common polarities in healthcare organizations and how they are frequently presented.

We also share how using a framework founded in polarities can help you manage individual and system elements to create a healthy work environment.

At the close of the interview, Dr. Johnson answered a couple of personal questions from our new process called the Missing Questions.

During the episode, you’ll hear:

04:42 - What is unique about the book “AND” Volume 2: Applications

12:57-  How to use both “AND” books as a resource

18:12 - Different ways Polarity ThinkingTM is being  applied

21:49-  Why self-assurance and humility are important leadership polarity 

24:27 - Common polarities in every healthcare organization 

28:50 -About a couple of polarities showing up during the pandemic 

37:41 - Overview of the chapters on polarities in healthcare 

44:03- How to create a healthy healing organization by leveraging Polarity ThinkingTM

If you want to make a positive difference in the world, this book will be a game-changer for you.  It will give you great insights into the polarities we experience in all aspects of our lives. Listen here now, or go here to watch on the MissingLogic LLC YouTube channel.

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