Episode 124: What Does Having Gratitude as a Core Value Look Like?

Episode 124: What Does Having Gratitude as a Core Value Look Like?

Today’s episode is all about gratitude and being grateful.

We believe that practicing gratitude makes you a stronger person and a stronger healthcare leader.

Gratitude is one of our six core values at MissingLogic® and in today’s episode we share how we practice gratitude in our business.

We know it can be difficult to find things to be grateful for, during these challenging times.

We share how we have looked at the opportunities in front of us and the positive things that have happened with gratitude.

In fact, we are very grateful that we have the opportunity to help and serve healthcare leaders, like you,  during these difficult times.

We are very grateful to you, our listeners, our family, and our friends for supporting us throughout our journey.

In this episode, you’ll hear: 

04:00 - Why having gratitude is important especially during these challenging times 

05:30 - How we practice gratitude as a core value at MissingLogic® 

14:35 - About Tracy’s Ph.D. journey and how she leverages gratitude 

18:33 - Encouragement to pause and reflect on things you’re grateful for

20:59 - How to practice and embrace gratitude 

23:03 -  Balancing giving and receiving is connected to being grateful

We could tell you this episode will remind you how to practice and embrace gratitude, especially during these challenging times, but we won’t, we’ll let you discover that for yourself.

Don’t wait, listen here now, or go here to watch on the MissingLogic LLC YouTube channel.

Previous Related Episode: 

Episode #45: During These Unusually Challenging and Troubling Times, Which Are You: A Giver, Receiver, or Both?

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