Episode #87: (ENCORE Episode) The Unsolvable, Unavoidable, and Indestructible Tension Between Health AND Economy & Individual Freedom AND the Common Good with Dr. Barry Johnson

Episode #87: (ENCORE Episode) The Unsolvable, Unavoidable, and Indestructible Tension Between Health AND Economy & Individual Freedom AND the Common Good with Dr. Barry Johnson

Introduction to the Episode:


We didn’t think when we conducted this interview back in June of 2020 that we would still be facing significant challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.   

This episode is as relevant now as it was when we originally recorded it.   

During this episode we interview our dear friend and colleague Dr. Barry Johnson about two crux polarities/tensions we are facing as a nation during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The two polarities/tensions we discuss during the interview are Health And Economy and Individual Freedom And the Common Good.   

These two polarities/tensions impact every person in the United States.    

The interview is based on two Op-Ed pieces included in Barry’s new book, AND Making a difference by leveraging polarity, paradox, or dilemma- Volume One: Foundations.  

This interview can change how you think about these two tensions that we are experiencing daily in our communities and in the country. 

We think it’s safe to say we all want a country with healthy people and a healthy economy and at the same time there is a fear that as the pandemic continues we will end up with more unhealthy people and further insult to a declining economy in our country.   

The truth is these polarities/tensions were present before the COVID-19 pandemic, and we  must manage them now and after the pandemic.   

The question is, what can we learn now, during the pandemic, to help us manage them in future? 

That is the purpose of this podcast, to help us learn to see these tensions through a new lens, explore why it is important to manage them, and identify how we can manage them better in the future. 

A few considerations before listening:

If this is your first time listening to the podcast, you may find it helpful to listen to Episode #1 where we explain polarities before listening to this episode.   

The Op-Ed pieces are available below the show notes and if you are in a location where it is possible, we encourage you to download both pieces before you listen to the episode. Barry refers to the Polarity Map® in the Op-Ed pieces during the interview, so it will be helpful to have them in hand. 

During this episode we discuss:

  • Polarities are unavoidable, unsolvable, and indestructible, so there is always an opportunity to course correct and manage them better

  • Polarities come as a set for a reason, because they are inherently interdependent, so making either/or choices just does not work- it sets you up to fail.

  • Two sets of fears accompany each set of values

  • Fears come from a place (i.e., mindset, history) that needs to be respected because they represent a value that is being threatened

  • If we focus on Health OR Economy, we assume we must make a choice between the values (poles)

  • Both Health AND Economy are essential, but neither is sustainable alone, they need each other

  • This is an opportunity to see health and economy as a polarity and leverage it better going into the future

  • There are tensions between different points of view regarding a decentralized government approach (supporting individual freedom) to COVID-19 and a centralized government approach (supporting the common good)

  • Individual freedom and the common good are the basis for democracy which many have fought and died for

  • Individual freedom and the common good is a fundamental tension that looks just like “are we going to open up or not” but it represents these immensely powerful, emotionally charged values and fears that are at stake

  • Approaches that can help individuals, organizations and communities manage these polarities/tensions include key stakeholders creating a polarity map together, identifying dual strategies to achieve both values, and identifying early indicators to support evaluation of how well a polarity/tension is managed.


There isn’t anyone in the Unites States who can escape the impact of these two polarities. We urge you to listen to this episode and share it with your family, friends, colleagues, and communities.




AND: Making a difference by leveraging polarity, paradox, or dilemma- Volume One: Foundations

AND Volume Two: Applications will be available soon


Winning on Two Fronts-Health AND Economy

Individual Freedom AND the Common Good


Find Dr. Barry Johnson at: 



AND: Making a Difference by Leveraging Polarity, Paradox, or Dilemma.  Volume One: Foundations


To get our FREE perspective paper, The Three Biggest Mistakes Healthcare Leaders Make When Trying to Achieve Work Life Balance  Click Here now!


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