Episode #105: Managing the Tensions Underneath Burnout: Exploring Individual and Organizational Responsibility
Tracy ChristophersonHealthCareLeaders, BeBalanced, MissingLogic, AND, healthcaresystems, Polarities, PolarityIntelligence, PolarityThinking, Leadership, collaboration, teams, engagement, dialogue, relationships, BeResilient, teamwork, burnout, healthyworkenvironments, thrive, individualresilience, teamresilience, NAM, PTSD, COVID19, systemsthinking, parallelpandemic, ClinicianWellBeing, Resilience, AgainstClinicianBurnout, culture, #workculture
Episode #101: Promoting Mental and Emotional Well-being through Peer Support featuring Dr. Jo Shapiro
Tracy ChristophersonHealthCareLeaders, MissingLogic, AND, healthcaresystems, PolarityIntelligence, teams, leadership, COVID19, wellbeing, worklifebalance, BeBalanced, BeResilient, SelfCare, burnout, culture, peersupport, professionalism, peersupportprograms, organizationalchange
Episode #99: Supporting Well-Being and Interprofessional Collaboration with the Pathway to Excellence® Program featuring Dr. Jane McCurley and Dr. Val Morrison
Tracy ChristophersonHealthCareLeaders, MissingLogic, AND, healthcaresystems, PolarityIntelligence, teams, leadership, interprofessionalcollaboration, COVID19, wellbeing, worklifebalance, BeBalanced, BeResilient, SelfCare, ANCCPathwayToExcellence, PathwayToExcellence, Burnout, PathwayStandards, NursingExcellence, culture, practiceenvironment
Episode #96 Living with COVID: One Man's Experience as a Patient and a Healthcare Executive featuring Kevin Browne
Tracy ChristophersonHealthCareLeaders, MissingLogic, AND, healthcaresystems, polarities, PolarityIntelligence, PolarityThinking, teams, leadership, collaboration, EvidenceBasedPractice, COVID19, wellbeing, worklifebalance, BeBalanced, BeResilient, SelfCare, #NursesWeek #NursesWeek2021 #HospitalWeek
Episode #95: COVID-19 Pandemic: The Thunderstorm of Perpetual Challenges and the Silver Linings Experienced by Healthcare Leaders featuring Dr. Robyn Begley
Tracy ChristophersonHealthCareLeaders, nursingleadership, InterprofessionalCollaboration, BeBalanced, MissingLogic, AND, COVID19, healthcaresystems, polarities, PolarityIntelligence, PolarityThinking, Teamwork, Leadership, collaboration, telehealth, burnout, wellbeing, worklifebalance, BeResilient, AONL, NurseLeaders, #NursesWeek, #NursesWeek2021, #YON2021
Episode #93: (Encore Episode) Unleashing the Power of the Margin and Mission Polarity in Complex Care featuring Lauran Hardin
Tracy ChristophersonHealthCareLeaders, ComplexCare, WellBeing, Resilient, BeResilient, BeBalanced, MissingLogic, AND, COVID19, MarginandMission, vulnerablepopulations, healthcaresystems, Polarities, PolarityIntelligence, Vulnerability, PolarityThinking, Teamwork, Leadership, collaboration, innovation, WhatMattersMost
Episode #92: (Encore Episode) How Leaders Can Leverage a Polarity Mindset to Develop Strong Teams and Cultivate Psychological Safety featuring Diane Hanson
Tracy ChristophersonHealthCareLeaders, Well-Being, Resilient, BeResilient, BeBalanced, DynamicBalanceEffect, MissingLogic, AND, COVID-19, PsychologicalSafety, SelfCare, SelfandOther, Polarities, PolarityIntelligence, Vulnerability, PolarityThinking, Teamwork, Leadership
Episode #91: The Road to Well-Being: It's Personal and Requires Patience, Persistence, and Practice featuring Dr. Seena Haines
Tracy ChristophersonHealthCareLeaders, Well-Being, Resilient, BeResilient, BeBalanced, DynamicBalanceEffect, MissingLogic, AND, InThisTogether, ClinicianBurnout, COVID-19, SelfCare, Habits, SelfandOther, interprofessional, COVIDImpact, healthcoach, healthylifestyle, worklifebalance
Episode #90: (Encore Episode) The Healthcare Leader as a Role Model for Self-Care: Caring for Yourself and Caring for the Team featuring Dr. Jeanne Roode
Tracy ChristophersonHealthCareLeaders, Well-Being, Resilient, BeResilient, BeBalanced, DynamicBalanceEffect, MissingLogic, AND, InThisTogether, ClinicianBurnout, COVID-19, SelfCare, Habits, SelfandOther
Episode #87: (ENCORE Episode) The Unsolvable, Unavoidable, and Indestructible Tension Between Health AND Economy & Individual Freedom AND the Common Good with Dr. Barry Johnson
Tracy ChristophersonHealthCareLeaders, COVID19, Resilient, BeResilient, BeBalanced, DynamicBalanceEffect, PolarityThinking, MissingLogic, HealthAndEconomy, IndividualFreedomAndCommonGood, AND, InThisTogether, IndividualFreedom, CommonGood, Health, Economy, Healthyhealingorganizations, fundamentaltensions, democracy, sustainable, fears, values
Episode #73: Balancing Activity and Rest as a Strategy for a Healthy Lifestyle and the Obstacles That Get in Our Way!
Episode #72: Professional Well-being and Personal Well-being: Why We Can't Have One Without the Other
Tracy Christophersonhealthcareleaders, ClinicanWellBeing, Resilient, BeResilient, BothAnd, BeBalanced, MissingLogic, Leadership, PolarityThinking, COVID19, DynamicBalanceEffect, ManagingTensions, ProfessionalWellBeing, PersonalWellBeing
Episode #65: Why are Both Doing and Being Essential to Achieving Your Goals?
Tracy ChristophersonHealthcareLeaders, ClinicanWellBeing, Resilient, BeResilient, BothAnd, BeBalanced, MissingLogic, Leadership, PolarityThinking, DynamicBalanceEffect, Identity, HighAchiever, ManagingTensions, DoingAndBeing
Episode #60 Calling All Healthcare Leaders: Now is the Time to Put Yourself First and Develop Your Resilience and Here's How
Tracy Christophersonhealthcareleaders, ClinicanWellBeing, Resilient, BeResilient, BeBalanced, MissingLogic, BothAnd, Leadership, PolarityThinking, TakingCareofSelf, InterdependentValues, Values, COVID19, Burnout, WorkLifeBalance, DualPandemic
Episode #58 What Are the Negative Consequences Healthcare Leaders Face When Applying a Problem-Solving Lens to Strategic Planning?
Tracy Christophersonhealthcareleaders, ClinicanWellBeing, Reseilient, BeResilient, BeBalanced, MissingLogic, BothAnd, Leadership, PolarityThinking, StrategicPlanning, InterdependentValues, ContinuityandTransformation, ReoccurringChallenges, MissingValues
Episode #56 The Road to Achieving Professional Growth and Optimal Performance: Finding the Balance Between Eustress (the good stress) and Rest
Tracy Christophersonhealthcareleaders, Well-Being, Reseilient, BeBalanced, BeResilient, DynamicBalanceEffect, MissingLogic, AND, InThisTogether, GrowthMindset, PolarityThinking, Leadership, ProfessionalGrowth, OptimalPerformance, ComfortZone, Eustress, Rest
Episode #53: Beyond Polarization: Dialogue as a Tool to Expose Our Fears, Understand Resistance, and Generate Hope and Wisdom
Tracy Christopherson#HealthCareLeaders #Well-Being #Resilient #BeResilient #BeBalanced #DynamicBalanceEffect #MissingLogic #AND #InThisTogether #COVID-19 #EffectiveCommunication #Dialogue #PolarityThinking #ThrivingLeader, #HealthcareLeaders, #Well-Being, #Resilient, BeResilient, BeBalanced, DynamicBalanceEffect, COVID19, AND, InThisTogether, Effective, EffectiveCommunication, PolarityThinking, ThrivingLeader, Dialogue
Episode #52: The Healthcare Leader as a Role Model for Self-Care: Caring for Yourself and Caring for the Team featuring Dr. Jeanne Roode
Tracy Christophersonhealthcareleaders, Well-Being, ClinicianBurnout, InThisTogether, COVID19, DynamicBalanceEffect, BeBalanced, BeResilient, SelfCareHabits, Self-Care, Habits
Episode #44: What Do You Risk by Being Overly Flexible with Very Little Structure During the Pandemic?
Episode #42: When the Changes You Are Experiencing Are Constant and Profound, What Do You Have to Do to Find Some Stability?