Episode 109: Escalating Domestic Work at Home and the Impact on Women featuring Dr. Daniel Carlson

Episode 109: Escalating Domestic Work at Home and the Impact on Women featuring Dr. Daniel Carlson

The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on all of us.  There wasn’t anything in our day-to-day lives that wasn’t impacted.  Adults with children faced many challenges. They experienced changes in their work and home lives and in the structures that provide them support. Some were impacted more than others and in different ways. The conflict between work and home had a significant impact on women in the workforce. Today we talk with Tracy’s son, Dr. Daniel Carlson, about the research he and his colleagues conducted and what they learned about the impact the pandemic had on women in the workforce. Dan will also share what kinds of structural supports can provide relief.  

In this episode you’ll hear:

4:48-the overall effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

06:27-impact of gender conventions

09:30-about Dan’s family and their pandemic experience

14:33-importance of infrastructures in supporting our day-to-day ability to work

16:22-about the massive influx of domestic work in the home during the pandemic

19:07-impact of the division of childcare in the home on women staying in the workforce

23:30-impact of remote work on men’s ability to contribute to the domestic work at home

25:31-about the stigma associated with flexible work

27:09-impact on relationships when sharing equally in the workload at home

28:22-how Dan and his wife Jen share and manage the work in the home

31:24-the need to always be vigilant

32:21-the need for workplace structures and policies 

While you’re thinking about how much you’ll learn in this episode, start listening here or go here to watch on our YouTube channel.

How to Connect with Dan:






To Keep Women in the Workforce, Men Need to Do More at Home 

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