Episode 110: How to Recognize When You are Playing the Victim Role and Shift to Being a Creator

Episode 110: How to Recognize When You are Playing the Victim Role and Shift to Being a Creator

If you are feeling stuck, fearful, or disappointed, you are doing one or more of the following things.  Your attention is focused on what is happening or not happening around you, you’re convinced your circumstances are the reason you don’t have what you want, and you say things like “it’s never going to change”.  Are we right?  Letting your circumstances drive your results puts you in “victim mode” and it is a vicious and unconscious cycle that keeps you swirling. In this episode, we talk about how to break the vicious cycle and become the creator of your life.

In this episode you’ll hear:

02:24-why this is a lesson you’ll wish you had learned when you were younger

04:41-what elements play a significant part in our orientation

05:05-about the significance of your choices and your internal state

09:41-how you can choose to shift your attention

12:37-that becoming the creator of your life is a process

13:46-a victim to creator story

18:49-how to recognize a victim orientation

20:00-there is a connection between thoughts, beliefs, and fears

21:39-about the negative consequences of remaining in a victim orientation

22:34-what it’s like to be a creator of your life

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing, the last of the human freedoms to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way”- Viktor Frankel

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Ultimate Dynamic Balance Bootcamp, September 13-17, 2021

The Ultimate Dynamic Balance Bootcamp is a virtual bootcamp designed to enable healthcare leaders like you to learn about and apply a proven strategy that will allow you to balance your professional and personal life, make a difference at work, and experience more joy, without feeling exhausted and overwhelmed!

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