Episode 115: Sustaining Positive Benefits from In-Person and Virtual Care featuring Bruce Brandes

Episode 115: Sustaining Positive Benefits from In-Person and Virtual Care featuring Bruce Brandes

There were a few silver linings in the COVID-19 pandemic. In this episode, we are going to talk with our friend and colleague Bruce Brandes about one of the most significant outcomes of the pandemic, which was the advancement of telehealth. Bruce helps us gain a deeper understanding of virtual care, what it is, and why it is an important component of the future of healthcare and a critical factor in healthcare transformation. We talk about the natural tension between virtual care and in-person care and why it’s not an option to make an either/or choice.

In this episode you’ll hear:

05:17- how we have come to know Bruce

10:25- definition of virtual care

11:16- the differences between telehealth and telemedicine 

12:45- about virtual care as a longitudinal relationship platform

14:38- about the both/and relationship of virtual care and in-person care

17:23- benefits of virtual care

18:00- virtual care is a unique enabler to address ongoing healthcare system challenges

19:02- risks of not executing effectively on virtual care strategies

22:15- lessons learned from other industries

24:51- about consumer expectations

27:28- virtual care as a strategic imperative

32:06- importance of clinical data and data science

You may or may not already realize this episode is chock full of value. Start listening here now or go here to watch on the MissingLogic LLC YouTube channel.

How to Connect with Bruce:


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