Episode 116: How to Create a Vision for Your Professional and Personal Life

Episode 116: How to Create a Vision for Your Professional and Personal Life

Do you have a vision for your life personally and professionally?  In the work we do with healthcare leaders we often find they don’t have a clear vision for their life. Without a clear vision it’s difficult to feel personally aligned, to make mindful choices, or to know what actions to take.  As Yogi Berra says, “You got to be careful, if you don’t know where you are going, ‘cause you might not get there”.  You end up feeling frustrated, full of regret, and wondering “how did I get here?” In today’s episode we are sharing with you how to create a clear vision for your personal and professional life, so you can be a TRU (Thriving, Resilient, Unstoppable) healthcare leader.

In this episode you’ll hear:

01:36-  our experience with visioning

03:08-  why vision is an essential component for a TRU healthcare leader

04:37-  the three barriers to having a vision

06:12-  consequences of not overcoming the barriers

09:34-  nothing changes without doing the internal work

11:06-  a personal story 

15:00-  how to get started creating a vision

18:04-  how to leverage 101 wishes

19:53-  your call to action to cast a big vision

Have you already begun to notice how powerful it is to have a vision? Go ahead and hit the play button now and start listening OR CLICK HERE to head over to the MissingLogic LLC YouTube channel and watch the episode!

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