Episode 208: Leadership Challenges in the Healthcare Environment Today

Episode 208: Leadership Challenges in the Healthcare Environment Today

In this podcast, we talk about leaders' top challenges in the healthcare environment today and explore some recommendations to address them.

You may or may not know some of the challenges in healthcare stay the same, and they never seem to go away. In fact, some of them are new or have been exacerbated due to the current realities.

We know a bit because we talk and work with healthcare leaders every day, and we have identified some top challenges today that leaders are dealing with.

That's why we can certainly relate because we experienced these years ago in our organization and in other organizations we supported, and they are still showing up in organizations across the country.

In this podcast, we talk about why some challenges repeatedly show up in healthcare and some of the negative consequences when we fail to address them. We also discuss why it's essential to identify the interdependent pair of polarities and some suggestions to help leverage and manage personal and professional polarities.

In this episode, you'll hear: 

06:16 - The importance of having an outcome orientation

11:45 - Why some challenges repeatedly show up in healthcare 

12:12 - Why it's essential to identify the interdependent pair of polarities 

14:07 - Some top leadership challenges in the healthcare environment today

21:45 - Some of the recommendations and suggestions to help leverage and manage personal and professional polarities 

32:48 - The negative consequences when we fail to address these challenges

34:05 - Some of the positive outcomes when you address these challenges

We could tell you this episode is full of pearls of wisdom about the leadership challenges in the healthcare environment today, but we won’t, we’ll let you discover that for yourself.

Start listening here now, or go here to watch on the MissingLogic LLC YouTube channel.

Previous Related Episode: 

Episode 206: Emerging Polarity Intelligent™ Healthcare Leader

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