Episode #37: How to Elevate Your Thinking During Challenging Times

How to Elevate Your Thinking During Challenging Times

Introduction to the Episode


We are programed at an early age to solve problems. We are taught to examine the alternatives and find the “right” answer/solution, to use our “or thinking” to choose either answer/solution A or answer/solution B. 

In fact, we are rewarded throughout childhood, adulthood and throughout our professional development and careers for strong problem-solving skills.   

But it many instances, as noted by Albert Einstein, “You can’t solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it”. 

If you’ve listened to our podcast before, you’ve picked up on our core message which is not all challenges you experience are problems, some of them are polarities and to manage a polarity requires and thinking rather than or thinking

In some situations, the challenge is both a problem and a polarity as is the case with burnout.  Burnout is a problem that needs to be solved but underneath the problem is numerous system level and personal polarities.   

As a healthcare leader, if you want to successfully address the challenges you face and achieve your desired outcomes, it’s essential that you develop the skill to differentiate between a problem and a polarity, so you can supplement your or thinking with and thinking.  

We hope you’ll join us for this episode and learn this essential skill. 

During this episode we discuss:

  • Differentiating between a problem and polarity

  • How polarities teach us to let go of our “rightness”

  • Challenges as both a problem and a polarity

  • The numerous polarities associated with burnout

  • The consequences of misdiagnosing a polarity as a problem (hint:  you will always be unsuccessful)


Teaching Points

·         Not all problems are solvable

·         Polarity Thinking is not a replacement for problem solving

·         There is no right and wrong in polarities; both perspectives are right

You can go here to get the Questions to Ask to Differentiate between Problems and Polarities


Email us at questions@missinglogic.com if you have any questions, we may use your question on a future episode.

Click here to join our new free and private Facebook Community for Resilient and Balanced Healthcare Leaders. 

NEW!  We’ve been leveraging a polarity mindset to combat burnout and be balanced and resilient as healthcare leaders for over 15 years now.  If you’re looking to thrive as a leader and perform at the highest level in every meaningful aspect of your work and personal life this approach might be for you! We are launching an online transformation coaching program soon.  The coaching program is intentionally designed to help healthcare leaders live on purpose, prioritize competing demands, and develop balance and resilience in their work and personal lives using our Dynamic Balance Framework.  If you are interested, CLICK HERE to join our early interest list and you’ll be the first to get all the details!

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If you found value in this episode, please leave us a review on iTunes! Our mission is to start “a movement” of leaders who address the chronic challenges in healthcare through a Polarity Thinking™ lens!  We want to share the wisdom in the podcast with healthcare leaders everywhere! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and tell us what your favorite part of the podcast is.”


Tracy Christopherson