Episode #93: (Encore Episode) Unleashing the Power of the Margin and Mission Polarity in Complex Care featuring Lauran Hardin

Episode #93: (Encore Episode) Unleashing the Power of the Margin and Mission Polarity in Complex Care featuring Lauran Hardin

Introduction to the Episode: 

To say vulnerable populations have been impacted significantly by the COVID-19 pandemic is an understatement.  Yet, at the same time, communities and businesses are partnering to develop innovative solutions to address the disparities that plague this population.

“The pandemic is teaching us how interdependent we are on each other, and how creative we can be to solve things locally.” says Lauran.

After 2020, when it comes to managing the margin and serving the mission, everything and nothing is the same, and that’s why we thought it would be appropriate to revisit this interview with Lauran Hardin.  During the interview we discuss the over-arching polarity of Margin and Mission.  

Everyone is impacted by this polarity.  

Both Margin and Mission must be present for the system to be sustainable and provide the healthcare we need.

In this interview with Lauran, we look at this polarity within the context of complex care and social needs.

Lauran is a leader at the National Center for Complex Care and Social Needs. The center is the home for complex care and is transforming care for people with complex health and social needs.  

Lauran is guiding and coaching leaders every day out in the field to manage this polarity.  Her stories and insights are enlightening and inspiring.

Lauran shares with listeners why it’s important to understand the importance of the margin and mission polarity when creating programs that impact utilization and revenue.

Powerful change and transformation can occur when you understand and marshal the power of both sides of the margin and mission polarity.  Lauran shares some stories that will leave you with a feeling of hope.

Join us to learn from Lauran as she shares case studies and outcomes from the world of complex care and social needs.

In the Episode We Discuss:

  • People with complex and social needs typically require more frequent services without sustainable results

  • Additional polarities at play are competition & collaboration and medical care & whole person care

  • Bring diverse perspectives into one connected whole focused on the same agenda

  • There are benefits for individuals and communities in mastering polarities

  • 5% of the population represents 50% of the cost in the healthcare system

  • Honor both sides of margin and mission to facilitate change

  • To reduce barriers to new programs or interventions it is important to keep the margin and mission polarity in mind

  • Develop partnerships with CFOs and the financial side of the business to create solutions together to keep organizations and systems in balance

  • Leverage relationships and dialogue to lean into the tension

  • Grieve loss of previous dreams or when it hasn’t worked in the past but continue to anchor to the new dream and approaches

  • Need to come to the table together and channel the power of polarities

  • Shed old beliefs… it doesn’t have to be win or lose, either/or it can be both/and

  • Discomfort is taking on a new skill- the more practice the more we can build strong transformation

The wisdom Lauran shares is profound!  Listen now!

Camden Coalition for Healthcare Providers  https://www.camdenhealth.org/

Related Articles Authored or Co-Authored by Lauran Hardin:

Competing healthcare systems and complex patients: An inter-professional collaboration to improve outcomes and reduce healthcare costs

JAMA Forum: Bringing It Home: The Shift in Where Health Care Is Delivered

What the Covid-19 pandemic is teaching us about community.


Lessons from Complex Care in a COVID-19 World

Follow Lauran:


Twitter:  @LauranLHardin 

To get our FREE perspective paper, The Three Biggest Mistakes Healthcare Leaders Make When Trying to Achieve Work Life Balance  Click Here now!

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