Episode #92: (Encore Episode) How Leaders Can Leverage a Polarity Mindset to Develop Strong Teams and Cultivate Psychological Safety featuring Diane Hanson

Episode #92: (Encore Episode) How Leaders Can Leverage a Polarity Mindset to Develop Strong Teams and Cultivate Psychological Safety featuring Diane Hanson

Introduction to the Episode: 

Leaders have been facing one of the most difficult times in their careers.  And it’s not coming to an end any time soon.

Let’s face it.  Leadership is not easy on a normal day let alone during a pandemic!  If you are feeling guilty, exhausted, frustrated, and conflicted then you are an overwhelmed healthcare leader.

Overwhelmed healthcare leaders are looking for new tools and skills to enhance their effectiveness, change the conversations they’re having, and address the unprecedented challenges they face, while supporting their teams.

That’s why we thought it would be appropriate to share this encore episode and interview with our dear friend and colleague Diane Hanson.  

We were blessed to interview Diane Hanson.  Diane has leveraged polarities in her personal and professional life for over 20 years and has a lot of wisdom to share with us.

Today we are talking about Polarity Thinking™ as an essential leadership skill because Thriving, Resilient, Unstoppable (TRU) leaders don’t need quick fixes that fail, they need new ways of thinking and approached that lead them to long-lasting outcomes.

“Once you understand and believe in the logic and predictability of Polarity Thinking™ you are able to move toward sustainable outcomes” says Diane.

Diane shares many stories of how she’s leveraged polarities personally, professionally and as a community leader.  

Polarity Thinking™ has shaped Diane as a leader and broadened her ability to leverage diversity and help teams get to deeper understanding and agreement much sooner.

“When you lead teams, you have a greater opportunity for success when you incorporate Polarity Thinking™”  Diane Hanson

Diane believes a great place to start practicing your polarity thinking skills is with personal polarities like Work & Home or Self Care & Others Care.  Look at what’s showing up in your life through a polarity lens and then examine your perspectives, preferences, and fears to gather deeper insights. 

Diane, notes, “We tend to take care of others before our self. The Self Care & Others Care polarity is a good one for leaders to start with to address burnout.

Join us as we discuss with Diane how leaders can leverage polarities to strengthen their leadership skills, enhance teamwork, and cultivate psychological safety in the workplace.

In the Episode We Discuss:

  • The wisdom in historical patterns and behaviors

  • Use polarities to explore family patterns

  • Start with the simple challenges

  • Great tool for mentoring

  • Polarity terms can create shared language and understanding

  • Warding off either/or thinking

  • Build into the culture using the polarity language

  • Helping others understand and identify their preferences

  • Being vulnerable around preferences

  • Be open to other perspectives

  • Cultivate psychological safety in your team

  • Drawing polarity maps in the moment

  • Modeling and hardwiring Polarity Thinking™ into the culture

  • Practice – find a safe practice field and build your tool kit

  • Be a champion- Be Brave!

  • It takes intention to lead with and leverage this skill

The wisdom Diane shares is profound!  Listen now!

Twitter:  @DianeHansonRN

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/diane-hanson-4a55934/

To get our FREE perspective paper, The Three Biggest Mistakes Healthcare Leaders Make When Trying to Achieve Work Life Balance  Click Here now!

We would love to have you contribute to this podcast by submitting a question that we can feature in a future episode.  All you must do is email your question to  questions@missinglogic.com 

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