Episode #91: The Road to Well-Being: It's Personal and Requires Patience, Persistence, and Practice featuring Dr. Seena Haines

Episode #91: The Road to Well-Being: It's Personal and Requires Patience, Persistence, and Practice featuring Dr. Seena Haines

Introduction to the Episode: 

It was so inspiring to interview and dialogue with Dr. Seena Haines about well-being. 

As we begin our interview, Seena shares with us her personal health professions journey, which leads to a brief discussion on how our experiences and stories inform who we are and what we do.  

Seena shares her passion for well-being began with her own personal struggles and the desire to pay it forward.  She informs us that well-being is subjective and influenced by multiple factors including psychosocial resources and support.

During the interview we talk about COVID and the impact it’s having on well-being.  Seena shares the most important well-being dimension is human and social connections and how we have all been missing those connections which is impacting resilience.  

Seena describes the numerous benefits of yoga and what a “well coach” is and what they focus on and how they help individuals reach their wellness plan.  

Seena also shares a fundamental principle that when it comes to health and well-being; patience, persistence, and practice create permanence.  She also believes it is personal.  Focusing on our own personal accomplishments and not comparing ourselves to others is important because our progress is exponential, it just takes time.

From Seena’s perspective, work life integration requires attention and intention daily.  She shares she manages this by setting 2-3 priorities each day, pockets of buffer time weekly, schedules personal oasis time in the week for play, advance planning, along with numerous other strategies.

Speaking to leaders and organizations, Seena describes some actions they can take such as job crafting, engaging employees in redefining responsibilities and duties, and having a firm grasp on the relationship between clinician well-being, patient care, and safety.

Seena’s parting message for individual healthcare professionals is “it is not selfish or self- seeking to put your self-care in your top priorities. Just as we are told on a plane that we need to put our own oxygen mask on first before helping others, we are better positioned to sustain and overcome these potholes in life when we carve the time needed to care for ourselves mentally and physically.” We couldn’t agree more!

As you probably already realize, this is a delightful and informative interview, so don’t hesitate and listen now!

During this episode we discuss:

  • Start where you are on your well-being journey

  • Process is more important than the outcome

  • Impact of COVID on stress and anxiety levels

  • Virtual environment and impact on students and faculty

  • Innovative way to connect people and create community safely

  • Well coaching 

  • Benefits of discriminative discernment

  • Yoga benefits

  • How yoga lessons can be applied to life

  • Awe of the journey

  • Importance of play

  • Experimenting

  • Impact of clinician well-being on patient care

Seena Haines on social media:


Well-being Elixir Newsletter

Yoga Apothecary Show

To get our FREE perspective paper, The Three Biggest Mistakes Healthcare Leaders Make When Trying to Achieve Work Life Balance  Click Here now!

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