Episode #97: Overcoming the Tension Between Completing Tasks and Practicing at your full Scope of Practice

Episode #97: Overcoming the Tension Between Completing Tasks and Practicing at your full Scope of Practice

Introduction to the Episode: 

If you are like many of the clinicians and healthcare leaders we have worked with over the past 30 years, you have experienced the tension between completing routine tasks and practicing at the top of your license or delivering your full scope of practice since the beginning of your career!

The tension is real. And the struggle to balance this tension is significant because safe quality care is dependent on both.  

As a leader, you probably already realize one is not more important than the other.

In this episode, we talk about the habits that influence this tension between tasks and scope of practice.  Florence Nightingale recognized the importance of understanding habits more than 150 years ago when she said, “This hospital is so busy, in such a hurry that we are falling into bad habits before we are aware.”

Toward the close of the episode, we share how healthcare leaders can begin to support their teams to leverage both the fulfillment of routine tasks and practice to their full scope of practice. 

It’s obvious that you realize this tension isn’t going away, so listen to the episode and get a fresh perspective on how to manage it!

In the Episode We Discuss:

  • Infrastructures that support delivery of full scope of practice

  • Processes that encourage full scope of practice delivery

  • The role of performance evaluations

  • Evaluating current structures and processes

  • Knowledge and articulation of Scope of Practice

  • Educational support

  • The impact on interprofessional collaboration

  • Benefits and negative consequences

NEW:  Enrollment is now open to our NEW Self-Study Program, Caring for Others Without Neglecting YOUClick Here NOW to learn more and enroll!

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