Episode #96 Living with COVID: One Man's Experience as a Patient and a Healthcare Executive featuring Kevin Browne

Episode #96 Living with COVID: One Man's Experience as a Patient and a Healthcare Executive featuring Kevin Browne

Introduction to the Episode: 

In this episode we interview Dr. Kevin Browne, Vice-President, and Deputy Chief Nursing Officer of Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK).  

Kevin shares with us his incredible story of experiencing COVID as a patient in his own hospital and as a nurse leader in New York City. His personal story was so remarkable he ended up on the NBC Today Show!

Kevin describes his quest to strengthen the commitment of MSK to evidence-based practice and his first hand experience applying evidence to his own care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

During the interview we also talk about the greatest challenges leaders have faced and are facing when it comes to their own well-being and work-life balance.  Kevin shares some of the approaches he is taking personally to maintain well-being and work-life balance. 

We close the interview with Kevin sharing what he is doing to support leaders and staff during these persistently challenging times. 

In the Episode We Discuss:

  • Spirit and commitment of people to care for others during the pandemic

  • Relying on the greater judgement and good of those rallying for you

  • International recognition of the value of registered nurses

  • Challenging historical thinking

  • The power of putting trust in a vision

  • Leaders leading by example

  • The role of trust in gaining or maintaining work life balance

  • Thriving Resilient and Unstoppable (TRU) leaders

  • Approaches to well-being

You probably already realize that Kevin has a remarkable story and experience worth listening to.  Listen now!

You can watch Kevin Browne’s episode on NBC Today show here:


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