Episode #98 Leveraging the Power of Humble Inquiry to Transform Relationships with Dr. Edgar and Peter Schein

Episode #98 Leveraging the Power of Humble Inquiry to Transform Relationships with Dr. Edgar and Peter Schein

Introduction to the Episode: 

In this episode, we interview Dr. Edgar Schein and his son Peter about the second edition of their book Humble Inquiry:  The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling. They share a little about the book and why they wrote the second edition.

Ed and Peter describe why Humble Inquiry is not just a process but an “attitude”. 

Ed talks about the different levels of relationships and shares how Humble Inquiry can be leveraged to raise our levels of relationship.

During the interview we also discuss the relationship and need for balance between Certainty and Clarity as well as Competition and Collaboration and how both relate to Telling and Humble Inquiry.  

We close the interview with Ed sharing how leaders will benefit from applying Humble Inquiry every day.

In the Episode We Discuss:

  • Inquiry as a relational concept

  • Why Humble Inquiry is important

  • Humble Inquiry as a process to find out what’s really going on

  • Inquiry as an intervention

  • Sharing the MIC and what it means

  • The consequences of Level 1 relationships in the workplace

  • Level 3 relationships in teams

  • What lies behind certainty and clarity

  • Tolerance for ambiguity

  • Transactional and Personal Relationship Polarity

  • Differences in transparency and openness 

  • The simplicity of Humble Inquiry

  • Culture of Tell

  • Rugged Individualism

  • Scaling starts at the top

You are probably already realizing this episode is full of wisdom that can benefit everyone.  Listen now!

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