Episode #95: COVID-19 Pandemic: The Thunderstorm of Perpetual Challenges and the Silver Linings Experienced by Healthcare Leaders featuring Dr. Robyn Begley

Episode #95: COVID-19 Pandemic: The Thunderstorm of Perpetual Challenges and the Silver Linings Experienced by Healthcare Leaders featuring Dr. Robyn Begley

Introduction to the Episode: 

The past year has been challenging for everyone, but it has been especially challenging for those working in the healthcare system.  

The front-line clinicians and staff have experienced extraordinary challenges and trauma, and the healthcare leaders who support them have also faced challenges they never imagined.

“I think that our healthcare system and our healthcare leaders have been remarkable in their response,” says Robyn Begley.

During this episode we interview Dr. Robyn Begley, the Chief Executive Officer of the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL). We have an opportunity to talk with Robyn about the longitudinal study AONL conducted in July 2020 and repeated in January and February of 2021 to examine the impact of COVID on nursing leadership.

Despite all the challenges, there have also been, what some would call “silver linings” in the chaos and challenges that have blanketed and rained down on the healthcare system.  Robyn talks about some of those “silver linings” with us.

Robyn shares some of the greatest challenges she’s seen healthcare leaders experience over the past 14 months.  We also talk about some of the greatest challenges faced by leaders when it comes to their own well-being and work life balance.

During the interview Robyn also describes some of the strategies AONL is putting in place to support healthcare leaders.

As we wrap up the interview, Robyn shares some words of gratitude and encouragement for healthcare leaders.

In the Episode We Discuss:

  • Challenges experienced by healthcare leaders at the beginning of the pandemic

  • Changes in the challenges at the beginning of 2021

  • Advances with telehealth

  • Interprofessional collaboration and teamwork during the pandemic

  • Power in learning with and from each other’s experiences

  • Tension between leading others and caring for self

  • The reality this is a level of sustained challenge that leaders have never experienced

You may or may not realize this is an episode you must listen to, so don’t wait.  Listen now!

Follow AONL and Robyn Begley on Social Media: 

Twitter: @tweetAONL
Instagram @aonlnurseleaders
Robyn’s Twitter: @RobynBegley5

NEW:  Enrollment is now open to our NEW Self-Study Program, Caring for Others Without Neglecting YOUClick Here NOW to learn more and enroll!

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