Episode 106: Is Problem Solving the Most Valuable Skill a Leader Can Have?

Episode 106: Is Problem Solving the Most Valuable Skill a Leader Can Have?

One of the core characteristics of a strong leader is they are an excellent problem solver. As clinicians you are also trained to solve problems for the patients/clients you serve.  But what we’ve come to learn is not all problems are solvable, and problem-solving skills don’t work on all the challenges that leaders face.  So, then what do you do?  Today, we are going to tell you what you do.  We are going to talk about an essential competency every leader must have to overcome unsolvable problems and achieve sustainable outcomes.  

In this episode you’ll hear:

04:27- not all problems can be solved

06:11- about the missing logic and competency in healthcare

07:20- how preferences influence what we hear

08:28- about false choices

09:22- why vicious cycles happen

09:51- how we define Polarity Intelligence™

12:53- what combination of skills lead to Polarity Intelligence™

14:48-why Polarity Intelligence™ is an essential competency for healthcare leaders

20:27 about serious consequences of not hearing differing perspectives

We could tell you this episode will give you a new perspective on the essential competencies for healthcare leaders, but we won’t, we’ll let you discover that for yourself.  Don’t wait, listen here now, or go here to watch on the MissingLogic LLC YouTube channel

If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! 

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Future Event:

Ultimate Dynamic Balance Bootcamp, September 13-17, 2021

The Ultimate Dynamic Balance Bootcamp is a virtual bootcamp designed to enable healthcare leaders like you to learn about and apply a proven strategy that will allow you to balance your professional and personal life, make a difference at work, and experience more joy, without feeling exhausted and overwhelmed!

Click here to join the waitlist and be the first to know when the doors are open!

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