Episode #105: Managing the Tensions Underneath Burnout: Exploring Individual and Organizational Responsibility

Episode #105: Managing the Tensions Underneath Burnout: Exploring Individual and Organizational Responsibility

Introduction to the Episode: 

Burnout continues to be a significant challenge in healthcare for clinicians and leaders.

In this episode we explore addressing burnout for clinicians and leaders from the perspective of individual responsibility and organizational responsibility.

We talk about the numerous tensions and values that lie under the surface of burnout and the significance of being able to distinguish between what is a problem that can be solved and a tension that must be managed. 

We also discuss the system level changes that can impact burnout and the individual factors necessary to combat burnout. 

As we close the episode, we share our thoughts about the best place to begin to address burnout and manage the underlying tensions.

In this episode we discuss:

  • Clinician burnout

  • Addressing burnout is not an either/or choice

  • Framework approach to burnout

  • System infrastructures, tools, and processes 

  • Teamwork and interprofessional collaboration

  • Impact of the “soft stuff” on culture

  • Role modeling

  • “Inside” work

We could tell you this episode will give you a new perspective on addressing burnout, but we won’t, we’ll let you discover that for yourself.  Don’t wait, listen now.

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