Posts tagged InterdependentValues
Episode #60 Calling All Healthcare Leaders: Now is the Time to Put Yourself First and Develop Your Resilience and Here's How
Tracy Christophersonhealthcareleaders, ClinicanWellBeing, Resilient, BeResilient, BeBalanced, MissingLogic, BothAnd, Leadership, PolarityThinking, TakingCareofSelf, InterdependentValues, Values, COVID19, Burnout, WorkLifeBalance, DualPandemic
Episode #58 What Are the Negative Consequences Healthcare Leaders Face When Applying a Problem-Solving Lens to Strategic Planning?
Tracy Christophersonhealthcareleaders, ClinicanWellBeing, Reseilient, BeResilient, BeBalanced, MissingLogic, BothAnd, Leadership, PolarityThinking, StrategicPlanning, InterdependentValues, ContinuityandTransformation, ReoccurringChallenges, MissingValues